The Story Of The Two Berrong Brothers
Henry Berrong was born abt 1785. The following information is documented on the U.S Census of 1870, Towns County, Georgia
Henry P. Berrong. is listed in the house hold of his son
Jesse: His age - 85, Occupation - retired school teacher, Place of birth - Holland. According to
the story passed down though generations of Berrong
descendants, Henry was of French descent. Some
believe that Henry's family may have fled from France
and migrated to Holland to avoid religious persecution.It is said that Henry and his brother William were kidnapped and taken aboard a ship that brought them from France to the coast of colonial South Carolina. There are conflicting stories regarding the location where Henry and William were abducted. Some say they were taken from their father's vineyards while others say they were taken from a boarding school in Bordeaux, France.
While the ship was at anchor in the port of South Carolina, Henry managed to escape by riding on the back of a black man who was also making his escape by swimming ashore. Many believe that Henry's brother William also attempted to escape by swimming from the ship. No one knows for sure what happened to William, he may have drowned during his escape attempt.
According to tradition, Henry found refuge with a family in the Charleston South Carolina area. They hid Henry under their front porch steps. When men from the ship approached the family inquiring about Henry, they were told that the boy had not been seen. The same family that provided a safe haven for Henry immediately following his escape from the ship is also said to have provided him with an excellent
education.Henry Berrong became a well known educator in the South Carolina area. Henry enlisted in the US Army on March 1, 1814. He was a Private in Captain Charles Banks Company, SC. Henry was discharged March 31, 1814. He applied for military pension as shown on his Brief Of Claim For A Survivor's Pension. His request was denied because his length of service was insufficient.
Henry Berrong is also listed as a North Carolina Volunteer who participated in the April 7, 1838 Indian Removal. He is listed in Company B Buncombe County as having served under Captain James W. Killian.
Henry was married twice: 1) Sally Coleman . 2) Mary Ruckard
Henry died 1885 in Hiawassee, Georgia. He is buried in the Upper Hightower Baptist Church Cemetery.